People are currently increasingly exposed to enormous radiation. Electrosmog is discovered as a topic in many places and is also discussed in politics. The extent of the electromagnetic fields can hardly be overlooked: television and radio can be received from almost anywhere, as can mobile phone signals and all kinds of radio waves from modern communication radio. Electric wires, cables, mobile phone antennas and many other devices also generate electrosmog, which the organism of many people can no longer cope with - and the trend is rising. Only a few years ago, this level of radiation from mobile phones was unimaginable: Some houses were only connected to the electricity grid in the 1950s. 20 years ago almost nobody had a mobile phone, let alone WLAN. The effects on the body have not yet been conclusively researched, but many people suffer from electrosensitivity, also called electrohypersensitivity. However, most of those affected often do not even know that their symptoms are due to electrosmog.
What complaints and health problems are known to be caused by electrosmog?
- Tiredness, exhaustion, listlessness, insomnia
- Headaches and migraine attacks
- Memory and concentration disorders, forgetfulness and slow reactions
- reduced appetite
- Learning disorders and massive crying in children
- Tension, pain in muscles, tendons and joints (also rheumatism and osteoporosis)
- Emergence and increased growth of tumours, including cancer, e.g. leukaemia, brain tumours, testicular cancer, breast cancer, skincancer and many more
- Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis and epilepsy
- circulation, dizziness
- states of inner restlessness, increased stress
- Restrictions in fertility, fertility and potency, miscarriages
- Pain and damage to the eyes (vision problems, irritated eyes, cataracts, corneal problems)
- Pain and damage to the ears (tinnitus, acute hearing loss, etc.)
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system: changes in blood pressure, disturbances of the heart rhythm, heart attacks
- oxidative damage to cells and genetic material
- skin rashes, neurodermatitis, itching and herpes
- Disorders of the nervous system
- poorer healing of infections in the nose and paranasal sinuses
- Changes in blood count, blood values, elevated blood lipids, blood clotting disorders (The magnetic charge of the blood is disturbed by electrosmog. This causes the high surface tension of the blood to collapse. This can cause the blood to clump together, resulting in strokes, embolisms, thromboses and heart attacks).
- The blood-brain barrier can become more permeable. The blood-brain barrier regulates the permeability of substances from the blood to the brain. Due to the increased permeability, harmful substances can penetrate into the brain, e.g. heavy metals from food or amalgan from dental fillings.
- Hormonal disorders:
- The thymus gland can be disturbed. It is part of the immune system and is responsible for the production of white blood cells (lymphocytes). Electrosmog makes diseases ranging from flu-like infections to cancer more likely.
- The pineal gland in the brain produces the hormone melatonin. Its production can be slowed down by radiation exposure, which can lead to insomnia, sleep disorders and permanent exhaustion. Serotonin is also stored in the pineal gland. A lack of serotonin can lead to depression and distress, with cortisone and adrenaline being produced in the adrenal cortex.
- A lack of cortisone can lead to inflammatory processes in the organism, including immune system disorders and allergies. The production of adrenaline can be increased by electrosmog. Possible consequences are increased blood pressure, aggression, sensation of stress.